Hailey Yasmeen Dash

MA Student

Areas of Interest

  • Anti-Imperialist Movements
  • Homonationalism and Multiculturalism
  • School-Prison Nexus
  • Movement Building and Organization
  • Queer and Trans Necropolitics


Hailey Yasmeen Dash is a South Asian community organizer and scholar who has grown up living between the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation and the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. Hailey Yasmeen’s research interests in the policing of queer and trans people of colour is informed by a dialectical and material analysis of her lived, organizing, and academic experiences. Alongside her history of prison justice, anti-imperialist, and labour movement work, she currently organizes for policing-free schools across so-called Canada through youth political education, mobilizing communities, and supporting criminalized families. She has given talks on liberated, policing-free futures and co-authored a community report published by Asilu Collective on the ways in which policing, under the regime of the School Resource Officer program, impacted youth in Ottawa schools. At the Women and Gender Studies Institute, Hailey Yasmeen hopes to strengthen policing-free schools movement building through her research.

Program: MA 2023

Master’s Research Paper

Supervisor: W. Chris Johnson


Upcoming-- Collective Power Building Towards Abolitionist Futures: Solidarities Through Police(ing)-Free Schools Organizing Across Canada and U.S. | Part 2, American Studies Association 2023 Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada, November 2 - 5, 2023.