Join us for an evening of reflection and storytelling past, present and futures of Women and Gender Studies, with an inter-generational panel of faculty and students.
Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, Mary Nyquist, Shahrzad Mojab, Rinaldo Walcott, Joan Simalchik, Connie Guberman, Mary Kay Bachour, Nael Bhanji, Casey Mecija, Angie Fazekas
This event is a part of the Women & Gender Studies 50th Anniversary programming taking place over the course of the 2023-2024 academic year. By RSVPing, you are consenting to the WGSI sending you more information about this event once it becomes available. For more information about the WGSI’s history, visit | Co-Sponsored by the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Arts and Science; New College