Kai Recollet
Assistant Professor
Email: karyn.recollet@utoronto.ca
Phone: 416-978-5176
Areas of Interest
- Urban Indigenous land relations
- Indigenous performance
- Decolonial aesthetics
- Indigenous futurity
Research in Indigenous urban land relationships with survivors of the National Child Removal system in Canada; Indigenous choreographies and dance making practices; Indigenous theories of land-ing and contemporary glyphing. Research creation research project: “When future falls are Immanent: The moves and returns of scoop choreography of the fall” (2019).
An urban Cree scholar/artist/and writer, Recollet’s work focuses on relationality and care as both an analytic and technology for Indigenous movement-based forms of inquiry within urban spaces. Recollet works collaboratively with Indigenous dance-makers and scholars to theorize forms of urban glyphing. Recollet is in conversation with dance choreographers, Black and Indigenous futurist thinkers and Indigenous and Black geographers as ways to theorize and activate futurist, feminist, celestial and decolonial land-ing relationships with more-than-human kinships, and each other.
Ph.D. Trent University.
M.A. University of Saskatchewan
Selected Works
Karyn Recollet (2019) “Choreographies of the Fall: Futurity Bundles & Landing when future falls are immanent” Theatre Magazine Vol. 50.
Karyn Recollet, Johnson, E. (Fall 2019) “Kin-dling and Other Radical Relationalities” Movement Research Performance Journal: Native Dance, Movement and Performance.
Karyn Recollet and J. Johnson, (2019) “Why do you need to know that? Slipstream Movements and Mapping “Otherwise” in Tkaronto” Journal of Public Pedagogies, Special Issue Walking in/ as Publics.
Karyn Recollet, A. Hudson & A. Ibrahim (2019) “An Introduction” In This Together: Blackness, Indigeneity, and Hip-Hop. New York: Dio Press.
Karyn Recollet & E. Konsmo (2019) “Afterword: Meeting the Land(s) where they are at: A conversation between Erin Marie Konsmo and Karyn Recollet” Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the long view. L.T. Smith, E. Tuck, & W. Yang (Eds). Pp. 238-251.
Karyn Recollet (2018) “Steel Trees, Fish Skins, and Futurity Cyphers. CTR (Canadian Theatre Review). 176 (4): 26-30.
Karyn Recollet, E. Tuck. (2018) “Visitations (you are not alone)” #callresponse Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
Karyn Recollet, J. Carter & and Robinson, D. (2017) “Interventions into the Maw of Old World Hunger: Frog Monsters, Kinstillatory Maps, and Radical Relationalities in a Project of Re-Worlding. Canadian Performance Histories and Historiographies. Ed. Heather Davis- Fisch. New Essays in Canadian Theatre. 7: 205-231.
Karyn Recollet. (2016) “Gesturing Indigenous Futurity through the Remix” Dance Research Journal. Vol. 48 Special Issue 1: Indigenous dance today. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1017/S0149767715000492
Karyn Recollet (2015) “Glyphing Decolonial Love Through Urban Flash Mobbing and Walking with our Sisters” Curriculum Inquiry 45(1): 129-145.
Undergraduate Courses:
Decolonial Aesthetics and Futurities
Land-ing Indigenous
Black Futurist Spaces
Graduate Courses:
Indigenous Aesthetics: Hip Hop, Media and Futurities