Congratulations to Elisha! Their book Cartographies of Race and Social Difference has recently been published in electronic and print format.
Author: Joanne Saliba
Fleck Prize 2019: Michelle Murphy
Congratulations to Michelle Murphy for recently being awarded the Fleck Prize for her book The Economization of Life from the Society the Social Studies of Science, which is the main […]
WGSRF National Essay Awards
Students enrolled in the joint undergraduate/ graduate seminar Challenging Coloniality: Caribbean Sexualities in Transnational Perspective took home first prize at the Graduate and Undergraduate levels for the 2019 annual Women’s […]
National Magazine Award
GWEN BENAWAY won the gold medal in the personal journalism category at the 42nd annual National Magazine Awards for her essay A Body Like a Home, Hazlitt, May 30, 2018. […]

On November 28, 2018, WGSI celebrated the life of Brianna O’Connor Hersey, a PhD student in WGSI who died on March 31, 2018, with the awarding of the inaugural Brianna […]
Congratulations to Professor Rinaldo Walcott
Professor Rinaldo Walcott of the Department of Social Justice Education has been promoted to the rank of Professor, effective July 1, 2018. Professor Walcott is an innovative and internationally influential […]
Brianna O’Connor Hersey – March 31, 2018

At the age of 36, died peacefully, surrounded by her family, at home in Toronto from end stage bowel disease. Brianna was an activist, a leader, a rebel, a voice for […]

Featuring: Peggy Bristow; Grace Channer; Junior Harrison; and Suzanne Scafe Moderated by: Beverly Bain Sponsored by: Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga;Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto; Caribbean Studies, University of Toronto; […]
April 6-7, 2018 Political Science Conference Room, Room 3130 Sidney Smith, 100 St. George Street, University of Toronto Sponsors: Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto; Women and Gender Studies, University of […]
WGSI Professor Karyn Recollet, Suzanne Stewart, Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo and Wendy Phillips share their thoughts on the verdict. Read article here.