
Congratulations to Professor Trimble

Professor Trimble’s first book, Undead Ends: Stories of Apocalypse, was published by Rutgers in May. The first launch was held on Friday, September 13 at TYPE books in the Junction and the second will be a joint event with Allyson Mitchell and Cait McKinney, co-editors of Inside Killjoy’s Castle, an edited collection, that Professor Trimble contributed an essay on haunted houses, forthcoming from UBC Press.

Solo launch for Undead Ends: Friday, September 13, 2019, 6:30-8PM at TYPE books in the Junction.

Joint launch with Allyson Mitchell and Cait McKinney co-editors of Inside Killjoy’s Castle, an edited collection forthcoming from UBC Press: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 6-8PM at Glad Day Bookshop.