
Dr. Wafaa Hasan is the Recipient of ASSU’s 2025 Ranjini (Rini) Ghosh Excellence in Teaching Award

Please join us in congratulating Wafaa Hasan for being selected by the Arts & Science Students’ Union (ASSU) as this year’s recipient of the Ranjini (Rini) Ghosh Excellence in Teaching Award

Students nominated Wafaa “for being a transformative instructor who was both an educator and a mentor to many. Students appreciated your engaging and inspiring teaching style – where you encouraged open discussions and challenged them to think critically about the material that you also connected to the real world. Students praised your ability to take complex theoretical concepts and explain them in ways which fostered a deeper understanding of the readings. With your passion and enthusiasm for teaching and your genuine concern for your students, it is easy to see the heartfelt impact you have had on your students!”