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Talking Back: A feminist discussion group
March 9, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Want to talk about feminism? “Talking Back” (a title borrowed from the one-and-only bell hooks) is an intersectional feminist discussion group that will incorporate current events, pop culture, and whatever is on the mind of whoever turns up that day. It is a casual, non-academic space to ask questions, make connections and be heard. We also always include a community organization that is working through feminist issues on the ground, so you can leave with a sense of how to turn these big ideas into action.
This time, we’re going to be talking about women’s movements. The Women’s March on Washington was the largest demonstration in US history, and it spread transnationally to every continent on earth. What were some of the strengths of the march, and what were some of its shortcomings? Perhaps most importantly – where do we go from here?
We will also be joined by members of GABRIELA-Toronto, the local branch of the Filipinx women’s party with over thirty years of experience in building a massive transnational women’s movement.
We hope you will come join the discussion.
FREE MEAL will be provided!
Please note that the Centre is wheelchair accessible through the Bancroft entrance and has one private, gender-neutral, accessible bathroom. TTC tokens will be available.
Event co-hosted by the University of Toronto’s Centre for Women and Trans People and the Women & Gender Studies Institute (WGSI).