WGSSU Event – Wednesday Series

UTM - Women and Gender Studies Program 3359 Mississauga Road North, North Building Room 143, Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada

WGSSU is proud to present part 1 of our WGSSU Wednesday series: “Teen Mom I.R.L: The Social Determinants of Health & Lifting The Veil of Stigma Surrounding Teen Sexual Health, Pregnancy and Parenting in Toronto.” Come out, engage and participate in our lively discussion on teenage pregnancy, young families, health issues, stigmas, and myths. This […]

Memoirs, Imaginations, and Sounds of Prison

OISE 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto

Thursday, October 23, 5:30-8:30, OISE/UT, Nexus Lounge, 12th Floor OPENING DIALOGUE: Imagining Possibilities Shahrzad Arshadi Farnoosh Moshiri Friday, October 24, 7:00-9:00pm, Beit Zatoun It is Only Sound that Remains A Play by Shahrzad Arshadi Saturday, October 25, 6:00-8:30, OISE/UT, Room 5-240 Reading from Fiction on Prison Farnoosh Moshiri There is a Garden A Film by […]

Going To Graduate School Workshop – Applying for Scholarships

WGSI Lounge, Wilson Hall University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Time: Wednesday, OCTOBER 29th from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Location: WGSI Lounge, Wilson Hall, New College, 2nd Floor above the New College Library, 40 Willcocks Street. If you are graduating next year and planning on applying to graduate school, please come out and learn what scholarships are available to you, the criteria for applying, and how to […]

Indian Placement and Relocation: Post-War Indian Affairs Urban Employment Programming

2098 Sidney Smith Hall 100 George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Aboriginal Studies, the Women & Gender Studies Institute, the Department of History and Anthropology (UTSG), and Historical and Cultural Studies (UTSC) present: Professor Mary Jane McCallum, Professor of History at the University of Winnipeg Indian Placement and Relocation: Post-War Indian Affairs Urban Employment Programming - The "Placement and Relocation Programme" of the Department of Indian […]

WGS Research Seminar – Jean Comaroff

JHB 100A, Jackman Humanities Building 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada

THE RETURN OF KHULEKANI KHUMALO, ZOMBIE CAPTIVE: Identity, Law, and Paradoxes of Personhood in the Postcolony What might imposture tell us about personhood in ‘postcolonial’ times? About the means of producing selfhood, gender, identity, social viability? While the figure of the false double has long haunted Western ideas of personhood, imposture of various kinds has […]

Learning (South) Korea: Thoughts on Risk Society, Violence and Mourning (Over the Sewol Ferry Disaster)

Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs 1 Devonshire Place, 208N - Seminar Room, North House, Toronto, ON, Canada

Dr. David Chu Distinguished Visitor Series Co-Presented by the Centre for the Study of Korea Haejoang Cho, Professor Emeritus, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University, will be speaking as a 'native anthropologist' about her whirlwind journey experiencing South Korea's compressed modernity since the 1980's.  The discussion begins with the recent 4/16 Sewol Ferry Disaster in […]

Haja Story: Youth, Learning, and Survival Politics in East Asia

OISE 252 Bloor Street West, Nexus Lounge, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Dr. David Chu Distinguished Visitor Series Co-Presented by the Centre for the Study of Korea Haejoang Cho, Professor Emeritus, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University This public lecture and dialogue with the wider Toronto community will focus on the precarious youth at the Haja Center (the Seoul Youth Factory for Alternative Culture) and their survival […]

CANCELLED – “A Place of Abomination”: C. L. R. James, the Erotics of the Tent, and an Unimaginable Caribbean Future

WGSI Lounge, Wilson Hall University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Unfortunately Prof. Makalani is ill and will not be able to make this presentation.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.   Prof. Minkah Makalani University of Texas at Austin will present "A Place of Abomination":  C.L.R. James, the Erotics of the Tent, and an Unimaginable Caribbean Future.   Sponsored by WGSI

The Rise of ISIS and the Ongoing Crisis in the Middle East

WGSI Lounge, Wilson Hall University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Women of Rojava: Dreams, Resistance and Challenges Please join us for a conversation with Dr. Shahrzad Mojab (OISE) who will speak on “Women of Rojava: Dreams, Resistance and Challenges.” Dr. Walid Saleh (Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations) and Dr. Jens Hanssen (Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations) will be the discussants.

Egyptian Women’s Testimonios: Resisting Violence/Seeking Justice

TBD , Canada

Manal Hamzeh from the University of New Mexico, Las Cruces will present "Egyptian Women's Testimonios:  Resisting Violence/Seeking Justice" While Egyptian women were/are major shapers of the Jan 25th Revolution, this talk will explore how their embodied experiences were/are both central sites of violence and revolutionary resistance in the post-Mubarak militarist and Islamist regimes. In this […]