The Contemporary Urgencies of Audre Lorde’s Legacy

HNES 140, FES, York University 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

What’s (Homo)Sexuality got to do with it? Lecture by Gloria Wekker, with responses from Anna Agathangelou and Jin Haritaworn, chaired by Ena Dua. ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. PLEASE ADVERTISE WIDELY.   FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: #audrelordeslegacy2013 YORK UNIVERSITY SPONSORS: Community Arts Practice,Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University; Office of the […]

The Contemporary Urgencies of Audre Lorde’s Legacy

Whippersnapper Gallery 594b Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

backforward collective presents "After the 9-5 in Audre's Livingroom" (An intimate, collaborative poetry marathon recite & respond multidisciplinary hangout!) ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. PLEASE ADVERTISE WIDELY.   FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: #audrelordeslegacy2013 YORK UNIVERSITY SPONSORS: Community Arts Practice,Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University; Office of the Dean; ACE and the […]

Water Journey: A Feature Length Documentary of Water Walk 2011

Robert Gill Theatre, 3rd Floor 214 College St (Use St. George entrance only), Toronto

The Women and Gender Studies Institute, the Centre for Aboriginal Initiatives and the Drama Centre, University of Toronto invites you to a public screening and discussion of  Water Journey: A feature length documentary of Water Walk 2011 Featuring Guest Speakers and Water Walkers: Grandmother Josephine Mandamin Dawnis Kennedy Sylvia Plain  

Youth, Sexuality & Reproductive Justice Research Symposium with Jessica Fields

William Doo Auditorium 45 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The goal of the symposium is to bring together community youth and university students to share their research and artistic pieces on youth sexual health and reproductive justice and to engage and network with other students, youth, academics, policy makers, and community members on issues related to youth, sexuality, and reproductive justice.

In the Absence of Reliable Ghosts: Sexuality, Historiography, South Asia with Anjali Arondekar

108N, North House Munk School of Global Affairs 1 Devonshire Place

Anjali Arondekar Speaker Associate Professor of Feminist Studies and Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz Ritu Birla Chair Associate Professor, Department of History and Director, CSAS, University of Toronto » Register Online at: EventDetails.aspx?EventId=12568 Histories of sexuality routinely mediate past(s) through archival forms of marginality, disenfranchisement and loss. In the specific case of South […]

WGS 460Y: Honours Seminar

Wilson Hall, Room 2053 40 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1C6, Canada, Toronto

WGS 460Y Honours Seminar Public Symposium Tuesday, April 2, 2013 • 1-5PM • WI 2053 PLEASE JOIN US! 1:00-1:10 Opening remarks 1:10-2:20 Panel 1: Mediating Bodies Rwayda Al-Kamisi, “Apart/tied: Framing the Fear in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict” Nathalie Forde, “Erasing the Roots/Routes of our History: Black Women and Hair” Johanna Lewis, “Unfit to Govern: Leftist Discourse, […]

WGS Research Seminar – Natalie Kouri-Towe – Thursday, April 4th

Wilson Hall, Room 2053 40 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1C6, Canada

UPCOMING RESEARCH SEMINAR *note that date and time differs from normal schedule* Please note that we are holding a special WGS Research Seminar from 2:00-3:00 pm on THURSDAY, APRIL 4th in Room 2053, Wilson Hall, New College. Please see the attached paper by Natalie Kouri-Towe, PhD Candidate in the Dept. of Humanities, Social Sciences and […]

Revolution Came, Revolution Gone: Women (Re)making History Across the Middle East and North Africa

OISE/UT Rm 5-210 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This event will be in Persian. The Rediscovery of a Movement: Iranian Women's Uprising in 1979. Book launch presentation and presentation by the authors, Mahnaz Matine and Nasser Mohajer. Sponsors: Women and Gender Studies Institute; Hammed Shahidian Legacy Initiative; Trudeau Foundation; Higher and Adult Education, OISE/UT; and the Centre for Studies in Education, OISE/UT.

WGS Research Seminar April 10th

Wilson Hall, Room 2053 40 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1C6, Canada

UPCOMING WGS RESEARCH SEMINARS Wednesday, April 10th 3-5 pm in Room 2053 Presentations by PhD Students in the Collaborative Program in Women & Gender Studies.