MA Program Requirements

MA Program Requirements

The M.A. Program is offered as a full-time, twelve-month Master’s program. The program is not offered on a part-time basis.

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the SGS regulations and program requirements as specified in the SGS calendar and WGSI handbook.

M.A. students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCE) and maintain attendance at the WGS Research Seminars:

0.0 FCEWGS2000HY, the WGS Research Seminar (Meets once per month)
-students are required to attend 80% of the seminars in the first year
Fall through Winter
.5 FCEWGS5000H Feminist Theories, Histories, Movements IFall
1.0 FCETwo courses from the following categories:
– Special topics course in women and gender studies
– Independent research/reading course (WGS1007H)
A practicum extending over both the Fall and Winter sessions (WGS 1006H).
Fall and/or Winter
1.0 FCEElectives (one year-long or two half-year courses) offered by other departments and chosen in consultation with your faculty advisor. Fall and/or Winter
1.0 FCEWGS1005Y MA Research Paper
– Proposal due in January
– MRP due in August
Learn more about available courses here.

Master’s Research Paper (MRP)

A two-page MRP proposal is due to the Advisor by January 31.  The MRP is usually written over the summer.  The student’s MRP will be read and marked by the Advisor, and one other faculty member with an appropriate area of expertise, to be approached by the student in consultation with the Advisor.  We recommend that students submit at least one draft of their MRP to the advisor for comments, before submitting the final version to both readers.  The final version of the MRP must be submitted in electronic copy by August 15.

Planning Your MRP – MRP BLUES (NOT): A few reflections by Dr. Alissa Trotz.