Hazal Halavut

Areas of Interest
- Collective memory
- Aesthetics of mourning
- Critical literary theory
- Trauma and literature
- Psychoanalysis
- Genocide studies
- State violence
Hazal Halavut is a PhD student at the Women & Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto. Her research interests include critical literary theory; trauma and memory; witnessing; the aesthetics of mourning; genocide and perpetrator studies. She has given talks and published various pieces on state violence and collective memory in Turkey, specifically on sexual violence under custody and women’s resistance practices. The Armenian Genocide and literary responses to it has been another field in which she has produced academic and non-academic pieces. She is currently working on her dissertation project on the limits and possibilities of witnessing and mourning for the perpetrator. She is a writer and co-editor for online feminist journal 5Harfliler.
Program: PhD 2018
MA, Istanbul Bilgi University, Comparative Literature
MA, Bogazici University, Sociology
BA, Istanbul University, Social Anthropology
Supervisor: Dina Georgis & Shahrzad Mojab
Mourning the Unmourned: “Those Who Died and Those Who Killed!”, Modern Ethnic and Religious Minorities II Panel, Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, United States, November 13-17, 2019.
Digital Feminism in Turbulent Turkey, Transnational Feminism in a Time of Digital İslamophobia Symposium, McLuhan Center for Culture and Technology, University of Toronto, Canada, March 8, 2019
“Homeland Stories”: Armenians’ Catastrophe in the Perpetrator’s Literature, State Violence, Discourse, Counter-Discourse, Non-Discourse in the Aftermath of Genocides Panel, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, March 17-20, Harvard University, United States
Selected Works
Halavut, Hazal and Suna Kafadar. “The Turn in Public Intervention: A Digital Wave in Feminist Publishing in Turkish.” Networked Feminisms: Activist Assemblies and Digital Practices, Ed. S MacDonald, M. MacArthur, M. Radzikowska and B. Wiens. Lexington Press. (forthcoming)
Halavut, Hazal. “Love, Dignity and the Seeding Clouds: On Making and Remaking of the World in the
Fairytales of Nazım Hikmet.” Tamawuj (Online Publishing Platform of Sharjah Biennial 13), September 8, 2018.
Halavut, Hazal. “Yaşar Nezihe’nin Hayatta Kalma Hikayesi.” Kadınlar Hep Vardı, Ed. Feryal Saygıligil. Istanbul: Dipnot Yayınları, 2017.
Halavut, Hazal. “Gözaltında Tecavüz: Devletin Arzusu, Hazzın İktidarı ve Dilin Sınırları.” Toplum ve Kuram. Duvarlar Çoğalırken: Cezaevi Rejimleri ve Kürtler. İstanbul: 2013 (8).