Marieme Lo
Associate Professor
Cross Appointments: African Studies
Phone: 416-946-3218
Areas of Interest
- The political economy of gender and development, development and the human and political ecology of environmental change and disaster in Africa
- Social learning, poverty, intersectional vulnerabilities and livelihood systems
- Informal economies (spatial and translocal re-configurations) and neoliberalism
- Female entrepreneurship, trade, artisanal production and economie solidaire
- Material culture and cultural economies
- African urbanisms, postcolonial cities, precarity and the “urban poor," and the dynamics of urban transformations
- Conjugality
- Governementality, intersectionality, critical race, class, gender, and citizenship in migration studies
- Globalization, transnationalism, diasporic spaces and social networks, and social ethics
These inquiries are located in critical, feminist, epistemic, and discursive frameworks and debates, the quest for alternative epistemologies and paradigms, and the commitment to social change and social justice.
***Principal Investigator – SSHRC Insight Grant “Entrepreneurial Nomadism: Senegalese Women Traders’ Mobilities and Transnational Circuits” (2017-2021)
Gender, Material Culture, & Culture Diplomacy Conference October 7-9, 2010, University of Toronto, St. George Campus
Les thématiques de recherche de Prof. Marieme Lo englobent:
- L’économie politique des questions de genre et développent, les problématiques et théories du développement, l’écologie humaine et politique du changement environnemental et des désastres en Afrique
- L’apprentissage social, la pauvreté, les approches intersectionelles de la vulnérabilité et des systèmes de survie
- L’économie informelle (dans ses re-configurations spatiales et translocales) et la pensée néolibérale
- L’entreprenariat féminin, le commerce, la production artisanale, et l’économie solidaire
- La culture matérielle et les économies culturelles
- Urbanismes africains, villes postcoloniales, précarité et “citadins pauvres” et dynamiques des transformations urbaines
- La conjugalité
- La gouvernementalite, l’intersectionalitée, les pensées critiques sur la race, la classe, le genre, et la citoyenneté dans les questions de migration
- La globalisation, le transnationalisme, les réseaux sociaux et espaces diasporiques, et les questions d’éthique sociale
- Les études africaines
Toutes ces thématiques sont ancrées dans des approches critiques, féministes, épistémiques, et discursives ; la recherche d’épistémologies et de paradigmes alternatifs ; et l’engagement pour le changement social et la justice sociale.
***Chercheuse principale : Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH). « Nomadisme entrepreneurial : la mobilité et les circuits transnationaux des femmes commerçantes sénégalaises (2017-2021)
Marieme Lo is an Associate Professor in Women and Gender Studies and African Studies and currently the Inaugural Director of The African Studies Centre. She holds a Licence from Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, a MA from the University of Dakar (Senegal) and MSc and PhD from Cornell University. She has also received numerous awards and held fellowships at the University of Oxford and Georgetown University. Professor Lo works on intersecting research fields entwined in critical, feminist, alternative and creative epistemologies, and social justice praxis. She is wrapping up her Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded research project, “Entrepreneurial nomadism, mobility and the transnational circuits of Senegalese women entrepreneurs”(2017-2023) and working on a collaborative project centered on livelihood and climate change in the Sahel and coastal communities at the interstices of anthropogenic risks, geopolitics, biopolitical governmentality, and extractivism.
Prof. Lo served as WGSI Graduate Coordinator ( 2015-2017), African Studies Director ( 2017- 2021, 2022), a faculty mentor to students from Africa in the MasterCard Foundation Program (2017-2021) and the School of Cities Associate Director for Education (2018-2021 and 2022). She was also a member of the first Board of Governance of the Université de l’Ontariofrançais (UOF) (2018-2021) and is currently an advisor for the Black Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (BEKH).
In and outside academia, she has vast experience leading and assessing large scale social impacts, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research and design projects and has collaborated with grassroots women’s organizations, civil society networks such as the West Africa Civil Society, and international organizations such as UN-Women, the World Food Programme (WFP), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Prof. Lo most recent teaching includes WGSI graduate seminar: WGS1016: Migration, Mobility and Displacement in Contemporary Africa. Prof. Lo often offers directed reading and research courses to advanced students and has supervised master’s students leading impactful careers and doctoral students who are pursuing successful academic careers and senior leadership positions across sectors, sites and scales of public engagement, and within United Nations agencies.
Congratulations to Professor Marieme Lo, inaugural Director of the African Studies Centre!
Licence (Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Maitrise (Université de Dakar, Sénégal)
M.Sc, Ph.D. (Cornell University)