Shalom Brown

PhD Student


Social Media:


Areas of Interest

  • Black and Critical Mixed-Race Studies
  • Research-Creation
  • Decoloniality
  • Aesthetic Inquiry
  • Arts-Based Methods
  • (Counter)Archives


Shalom completed her Bachelor of Kinesiology at UBC before starting her graduate studies at UofT, where she got her MSc in Kinesiology. Her Master’s thesis focused on exploring Mixed-race identity and physical movement through arts-based methods. She also works as a resarch-assistant in the Indigenity, Diaspora, Equity and Anti-Racsim in Sports (IDEAS) Research Lab and as a Program Asssociate at Hart House. Shalom is an expert in pop culture and enjoys Marvel movies, Mario Kart, and Beyonce.

Program: PhD 2023


MSc in Kinesiology – University of Toronto

Bachelor of Kinesiology – University of British Columbia


Supervisor: Dina Georgis


Being Mixed-Race in Canada: Exploring the (Re)construction of Race, Guest Lecture in KPE405: Race, Indigeneity, and Physical Culture, University of Toronto, April 4, 2023 Amibuous Faces, Ambivalent Spaces: An Artistic Exploration of Mixedness and Physical Movement in Canada, Macintosh Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, January 28, 2023

Exploring the Gap: Aesthetics and Research-Creation in Reimagining Mixed-Race Identities and Physical Movement in Canada, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 8 - 11, 2022. Black Hair as Resistance: Rejecting Colonial and Facist Ideologies in Modern Sport, Guest Lecture in KPE200: Physical Culture and the Human Condition, University of Toronto, October 25, 2022

"You can't be showing up all dusty!" : Black Athletes' Hair, (De)coloniality, Respectability and Resistance in Sport, Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA), Virtual, May 14 - 15 2022

It's Time to Give Them Their Flowers: Maya Moore's Activism and (In)visibility in Popular Sports Media, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19 - 22, 2022

Selected Works

Joseph, J., McKenzie, A. I., & Brown, S. (2021). Anti-Racism in coaching literature review. IDEAS Research Lab. University of Toronto

Joseph, J., McKenzie, A. I., & Brown, S. (2021b). Coaching Association of Canada anti-racism in sport coaching report. IDEAS Research Lab. University of Toronto.

Honours and Awards


Recognition of Excellence Award 2023, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto


Gary Sailes Graduate Diversity Scholarship 2022, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport


Women and Girls Research and Conference Fund 2022, University of Toronto Canadian Graduate Scholarship – Master’s 2022, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)