Faculty Featured Stories News

The Technoscience Research Unit Stewards New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation Grant

We are happy to share that the Technoscience Research Unit is the steward of a New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation stream grant that brings $22 million dollars to a collaborative research initiative to re-envision chemical risk management in a time of environmental crisis. Along with colleagues at Guelph, UBC, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), the “Transforming Chemical Risk Management with Indigenous Expertise” project brings Indigenous research methods and visions of environmental justice to the challenge of profoundly transforming how pollution and chemical risk is managed in Indigenous communities, university labs and classes, regulatory practices, and policy development. We are so excited to be building Indigenous Science, Technology, and Environment Studies Research at the University of Toronto and beyond!

The lead PI for the overall project is Professor M. Murphy (Red River Métis) of School of Environment and WGSI at the University of Toronto, along with Sue Chiblow (Garden River First Nation) of Guelph University, and Gunilla Öberg ( from Sweden) of UBC. 

Research at the University of Toronto will be co-led by PI Kristen Bos (Red River Métis) of Historical Studies at UTM and WGSI. TRU research will focus on using Indigenous STS and community based methods to build an Indigenous chemical risk platform, change curriculum, and develop lab protocols, collaborating with scientists Milica Radisic, Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik, as well as community researchers from Aamjiwnaang First Nation.