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Queer Political Theologies
May 5, 2017 @ 8:45 am - 5:45 pm

A Colloquium organized by Ricky Varghese, David K. Seitz, and Fan Wu
This colloquium uses the idiom of political theology – the notion that so-called “secular” political forms of life simultaneously inherit, reconfigure and extend profoundly spiritual, psychical and visceral investment in authority as sacred – as a departure point for a more wide-ranging conversation about the political, the theological, and the queer. From the outset, it might be prudent to state the intention of this colloquium: we are not queering the political theological as in putting in the work – as signified by the verb “to queer” – to make out of something a set of queerly-informed postulates. Rather, the assumption this set of conversations hopes to build on is the notion that the queer as an ontological, ethico-political, historical, and materialist category worthy of exploration might in itself emerge from the meeting of the political and the theological. A further assumption will be that both the political and the theological, themselves categories deeply invested in both detailing out and defining the terms on which subjectivity and modernity come to understand one another, are always already in a queer relation with and formation to one other.
This event is free and open to the public and the venue is wheelchair accessible.
For further information, please contact: qpt2017@gmail.com