
Women and Gender Studies Statement on Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

The Women and Gender Studies Institute extends our deepest condolences for the loss of lives during the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We invite our community to contribute to the ongoing work of relief and solidarity.

We have included a list of resources and information below:

Velvele, a queer online cultural outlet based in Turkey has an updating list of international funds and relief efforts regarding the earthquake affected region.

The Kurdistan Red Crescent is a trusted organization that is providing aid to both Kurdish regions in Turkey and Syria:

The Diyarbakir Bar Association is organizing a donation campaign to support relief efforts:

Two local organizations to connect with are the Toronto Democratic Kurdish Community Center (TDKC) and Canadian Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi (CACC). Both groups are collecting donations that will be sent to those affected by the earthquakes.

Toronto Democratic Kurdish Community Center:

Canadian Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi:

Please see a full statement from the Kurdish Gender Studies Network below:

We are all saddened by the earthquake, which has again struck Kurdistan and the surrounding regions. We would like to express our condolences for the loss of so many lives. We hope you and your family, friends, neighbours, loved ones, and colleagues are safe. Please reach out to the KGSN for support, and we will do our best to be of any help. Many remote areas have yet not been reached by national emergency rescue teams, and people are in dire need of support. Here is a link to the Kurdistan Red Crescent for donations for those who would like to contribute to rescue and relief efforts:

If you know of any organisations especially women’s organisations on the ground supporting the victims of the earthquake in the coming days and months please circulate any information you have on the KGSN for donations, support and solidarity.

With deepest sympathy from the Kurdish Gender Studies Network (KGSN) committee.


Ji ber erdheja ku dîsa li Kurdistan û navçeyen derdor xist em hemû gelek dilgiran in. Em ji bo kesên ku jiyana xwe ji dest dane sersaxiyê dixwazin. Û em hêvî dikin ku hûn û malbat, heval, cîran, hezkirî û hevkaren we sax û selamet bin. Heke tiştek ji destê KGSN were, em ji bo we karibin bikin, ji kerema xwe me agahdar bikin. Em dibînin ku tîmên rizgarkirinê yan jî alîkar hîna negihîştine gelek cîhen dûr. Hewcedarîya gel bi piştgirîyê heye.

Gêr hûn bixwazin bexşînan bişînin ji bo xebaten alikarî, li vir lînka Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê heye:

Bi dilsozîya kûr a Komîteya KGSN.